Welcome to Vidura documentation#

Getting Started#

Welcome to Vidura. Vidura is a web based prompt engineering platform (a.k.a PEP) enabling users to manage their prompts by tagging and categorizing. Users can create categories and prompts and share them securely with others by creating groups. Users can also get vairous quality metrics about their prompts like length, readability scores. The users of Vidura platform can also share cool prompts to community and get feedback.

Already have an account?

Sign in to Vidura: cloud.vidura.ai

Not a user? Sign up for a free account today: vidura.ai

Main features#

  • Create AI prompts

  • Create categories for AI prompts (Ex: Office, Personal, Images, Music etc.)

  • Tag prompts using labels (Ex: gpt-3, gpt-4, stability-ai, or any custom)

  • Share prompts securely with friends and colleagues using user groups

  • Prompt analytics like length of tokens and quality

  • A sleek & modern prompt editor

Checkout the documentation for more details.

Why Vidura ?#

Vidura is built to make life easy for AI prompt engineers and general ChatGPT users. A regular user without vidura tries to save their prompts in Google docs, text editors, or even in specific systems (like Discord servers, or ChatGPT UI). This causes fragmented information and makes it hard to find prompts later. Vidura is a context-aware content management and information retrieval system, that is designed for next-generation work that happens on AI platforms.

Where can you use Vidura prompts ?#

Vidura can be used for creating prompts for multiple AI platforms:

  1. Text-to-Text (ChatGPT, Perplexity AI)

  2. Text-to-Image (Midjourney, Stability AI)

  3. Text-to-Audio (Boomy)